
H H Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned is proud of being a mother and raising children, she says, is among her basic priorities. “I supervise my children’s homework on a daily basis. It is part of my daily routine,” she told Al Jazeera TV Channel in an interview yesterday.
Nu ziet deze sheikha er op het oog erg mooi uit, maar dit schijnt het gevolg te zijn van enkele cosmetische ingrepen. Toch is het niet om haar schoonheid dat ze vaak in het nieuws is.
kijk op de site van de Unesco:
Her Highness Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser al Missned, Consort of the Emir of the State of Qatar, was named UNESCO Special Envoy for Basic and Higher Education to pay tribute to her outstanding commitment to the promotion of education in Qatar. As Chairperson of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development and President of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs, Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser al Missned has spearheaded activities and projects in basic and higher education, establishing several high quality, non-profit private schools and learning institutions for children and young people in Qatar........ knip.
ze is dus actief betrokken bij het onderwijs. dat het dan met name gaat om in het oog springende activiteiten en vooral gericht is op het 'hoger' onderwijs neem ik even op de koop toe.
het is natuurlijk veel lastiger scoren met basis zaken als: leerplicht, onderwijsniveau, basiskennis en onderwijsleerplannen en leerstrategien in het primair onderwijs.
uit het interview lees ik verder
Knowledge is the best and the wisest investment. Whatever the environment, knowledge flourishes and is not affected when things are not conducive as is the case with investment in a business, for instance. No one can take knowledge away.
The Emir has set up a fund for health and education and the objective is to attain a high level of education. The accent of Qatar Foundation and the country’s education sector as a whole is to provide quality education by adopting excellent syllabi and by giving teachers the best training.
Children are a precious investment of a nation and a family and we have to actively involve the families not only in the matter of their children’s education but also in their extra-curricular activities, she said. “Education is a must if we want to talk in the language of business and finance.” ........... knip.
The Emir has set up a fund for health and education and the objective is to attain a high level of education. The accent of Qatar Foundation and the country’s education sector as a whole is to provide quality education by adopting excellent syllabi and by giving teachers the best training.
Children are a precious investment of a nation and a family and we have to actively involve the families not only in the matter of their children’s education but also in their extra-curricular activities, she said. “Education is a must if we want to talk in the language of business and finance.” ........... knip.
maar ze neemt geen blad voor de mond.
en zo verdient ze m.i. ook de aandacht en heeft ze voordeel schutter.
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The interviewer asked Sheikha Mozah if she agreed that children in Qatar and the rest of the GCC were getting spoilt due to the immense wealth. “Yes, it is a disease and a serious one at that. It is more serious than the diseases caused by poverty in a backward country.”