problem no problem

foto uit the Peninsula Qatar.
Doha was gisteren in rep en roer.
De hele stad was gehuld in een dikke mist en een deel van de stad kampte met een elecitriciteitstoring. Het gevolg rijen met auto's op alle wegen.
Chaos op de kruispunten; slecht zicht en geen verkeerslichten.
Tel daarbij dat het gros van de Qatari niet weet hoe de mistlampen werken! Ze rijden dan met alleen alarmlichten aan....... Maar op diverse andere momenten zie je auto's met mistlicht aan op klaar lichte en heldere dagen......
uit de krant:
Normal life was crippled for hours as a major power outage hit parts of Doha and the rest of the country, yesterday.
Chaos and confusion reigned at traffic signals. Hospitals, offices, shopping malls and plazas were forced to depend on generators. At least one school, for want of generator, sent students home. Kahramaa’s customer centre was flooded with frantic calls.
The outage also led to disruption in water distribution in certain areas. The worst hit areas included Airport, Muntazah, Najma, Mushaireb, Souk, Al Sadd, Um Ghuwalina and Hamad Medical Corporation. The almost six-hour-long outage was caused due to a snag developed with the power generating plants of Qatar Electricity and Water Company (QEWC).
Utility distributors Kahramaa (Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation) which buys power for or the distribution said in a release yesterday that its network witnessed sudden disruption in distribution around 6am. The reason, it said, was due to an unprecedented breakdown at several units of the plant. The snag has led to the interruption of 20 per cent of the total transmitted power.
en nog meer
The city woke up to a foggy and cloudy weather yesterday, but it soon gave way to a warmer and sunny day belying the hopes of rains.
The city’s roads were also covered with a thick fog reducing the visibility to nearly one metre. Clouds virtually blanketed the city’s skyscrapers. Vehicles moved on with their fog lights on.
Nippy winds blew across the city. Sensing the mood of the weather, many people pulled out their woolen clothes from the wardrobes. However, it soon got warmer and brighter, raising the temperature to a maximum 32 degrees Celsius.
Messaieed, Wakra, Al Khor, Dukhan, and Al Ruwais also experienced a foggy weather yesterday.
But weather officials said the shift in weather is a common feature during November.
They attributed the fog and clouds to the low humidity and high temperature.
probleem? nee hoor iedereen greep het excuss aan om (te) laat te komen of niet te verschijnen en de scholen in het getroffen gebied zonder electriciteit die sloten de deuren, no problem.