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van vroeg in de ochtend tot laat in de avond heel veel volk op de been ( met de auto)
A number of senior government and sport personalities attended the closing ceremony of the second edition of the Schools Olympic Day held at Aspire Dome on Friday.
On the top of senior officials who honored the event , HE Abdullah bin Hamad Al Attiyiah, deputy prime minister and ministry of Energy, HE Sheikh Abdulrahman bin Khalifa Al Thani, minister of Municipality and urban development, HE Abdullah bin Mubarak Al Midaddi, minister of environment, Dr. Waif Al Hajari, vice president of Qatar foundation, HE Rabeah Al Kaabi, undersecretary of Ministry of Education and high education and Nasser Al Mowlawi, general manager of general works authority.
Also the closing day program was attended by Thomas Bach, vice- president of International Olympic Committee and chairman of German Olympic Committee, alongside Rania Alwani – IOC member