..... A police strike in Espírito Santo has led to a wave of violence, marked by deaths, looting, suspension of school classes, suspension of public transport services and the closing of shopping malls in the metropolitan area of Vitória, the state capital.
With violence on the rise after the strike unfolded on Friday (the 3rd), the state of Espírito Santo requested support from the Brazilian Army and the National Guard.
The federal government is planning on deploying a National Guard squad made up of 200 men, along with army officers who started policing the city's streets early Monday night (the 6th).
According to the state's civil police union, 52 homicides have been registered in the state since Saturday (the 4th) - the average homicide rate in Espírito Santo is 4 per day.....
De eerste schermutselingen na de aangekondigde bezuinigingen. ik ben bang dat er nog meer gaat volgen. alle arme staten in het noorden zullen als eerste de gevolgen voelen. en dan met name de armen en het onderwijs. Ook hier weer de onderkant van de maatschappij de dupe. Een kennis van Diana meldde dat haar school beschadigd was en dicht bleef.