Os Deuses do Olimpo Visitam o Rio de Janeiro

The song titled “Os Deuses do Olimpo Visitam o Rio de Janeiro”. In English: The Olympian Gods Visit Rio de Janeiro. It will be Rio’s theme tune for the 2016 Summer Olympics. Seven musicians were selected to record the theme song.The project was the initiative of the local goverment. Kassin, the producer of the song, was chosen from a group of sixteen competitors that included the likes of Pedro Luís and Marcos Valle. “The idea was to have a song that could be an informal theme tune for Rio. Something pop, not nostalgic” says Kassin. The seven musicians were specifically chosen as representatives of Carioca music: Arlindo Cruz, Zeca Pagodinho, Mart’nália, Thalma de Freitas, Diogo Nogueira, Mr. Catra and Ed Motta. Plus hundred other artists forming the big choir.


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