
 met het loslaten van 20 oryx en 30 gazelles is een herintreders programma in volle gang. het had wat voeten in de aarde om de dieren van een zender te voorzien maar uiteindelijk kon Mariska Weijerman ze laten gaan.

RIYADH: The National Center for Wildlife on Monday released 20 Arabian oryxes and 30 rhim gazelles into King Khalid Royal Reserve as part of a program to reintroduce endangered species to their natural environments across the Kingdom.

The move was in collaboration with the Imam Abdul Aziz bin Mohammad Royal Reserve Development Authority.The two reserves, which cover about 12,000 sq. km northeast of Riyadh, are similar in topography and both are crossed by the Urmah mountains. These play a central role in supporting the ecosystems of the two reserves by creating beautiful wadis and balanced habitats for the many species that are found there. (Arab news)


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