paulista war

Afentoe zijn er vrije dagen die ik niet direct kan duiden....zo zag ik dit op de site van de atletiekbond... 

......São Paulo - Comunica-se que em função do feriado da Revolução Constitucionalista de 1932, no próximo dia 09 de julho, no Estado de São Paulo, não haverá expediente na sede da Confederação Brasileira de Atletismo. A CBAt voltará às atividades normais na sexta-feira dia 10 de julho de 2015.....
 Dus maar even op zoek wat het is op wiki...
The Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932(sometimes also referred to as Paulista War) ( And sometimes also referred to as 1932 civil war) is the name given to the uprising of the population of the Brazilian state of São Paulo against the 1930 coup d'état when Getúlio Vargas forcibly assumed the nation's Presidency; Vargas was supported by the military and the political elites of Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul and Paraíba. The movement grew out of local resentment from the fact that Vargas ruled by decree, unbound by a Constitution, in a provisional government. The 1930 coup also affected São Paulo by eroding the autonomy that states enjoyed during the term of the 1891 Constitution and preventing the inauguration of the governor of São Paulo Júlio Prestes in the Presidency of the Republic, while simultaneously overthrowing President Washington Luís, who was governor of São Paulo from 1920 to 1924. These events marked the end of the Old Republic. Vargas appointed governor of São Paulo a northeastern...

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