"Carnaval was completely illegal,"

RIO DE JANEIRO _The Rio de Janeiro Military Police and representatives from many of the most traditional Carnaval street parties (known as blocos) reached an agreement that will allow many of them, like Simpatia É Quase Amor, Carmelitas, Orquestra Voadora and Céu na Terra to parade during this year's Carnaval, which starts on Friday (1st).

The parades were dangerously close of being canceled after the police made an unprecedented demand of a formal authorization for the blocos to operate.

The police said on Thursday (28th) that it will release the formal documents, said Rita Fernandes, president of a local bloco association.Until 2016, "Carnaval was completely illegal," and there were no formal papers or authorizations, said Rodrigo Rezende, president of another local bloco association.... (folha SP)

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