50 years ago


The 1964 Brazilian coup d'état (Portuguese: Golpe de 64) names a series of events in Brazil that commenced on March 31, 1964, and culminated in the overthrow of President João Goulart by the Armed Forces, supported by the United States on April 1, 1964.[1][2] The coup put an end to the government of Goulart, also known as Jango, a member of the Brazilian Labour Party, who had been democratically elected Vice President in the same election that led conservative Jânio Quadros, from the National Labour Party and backed by theNational Democratic Union to the presidency….The coup subjected Brazil to a military regime politically aligned to the interests of the United States government.[4] This regime would last until 1985, when Tancredo Neves was indirectly elected the first civilian President of Brazil since the 1960 elections. (wikipedia)

http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/livrariadafolha/2014/03/1433603-documentario-investiga-as-circunstancias-da-morte-de-jango-no-exilio.shtml ….


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