
Doha •
eerst was het een zooitje omdat er teveel autos waren en te weinig asfalt.
toen werd het chaos omdat de wegopbrekingen, -versperringen en -omleggingen niet te tellen waren in de voorbereiding op de AG
nu is het wildwest met slalommen op de wegen omdat spontaan overal gaten zitten.

vandaag in de krant:
The hastily built new roads around Doha are now showing signs of serious defects with several uncompleted road projects suddenly halted just few days after the Doha Asian Games 2006 concluded, Al Sharq reports.

Works are still continuing on some of the roads that would have presumably been commissioned by now and the poor condition of others continues. The closing of many vital road sections has led to chronic traffic congestions much to the frustration of drivers who are calling for a quick solution to their plight


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