wild west

One of the pivotal scenes in City of God, Brazil’s most famous movie, occurs when a group of men connected to the drug trafficking scene rescues an ally in a hospital, under police custody. Well, a similar scene happened this Sunday in Rio de Janeiro – only bloodier. A group of at least 25 gunmen stormed into a hospital in Rio’s city center to rescue a member of a cartel. There was a shootout with policemen; one hospital patient was killed, and another two men were shot. The fugitive rescued is the brother of one of Rio’s biggest cartel chiefs.
The gunmen raided the hospital around 3 am on Sunday, armed with pistols, grenades, and machine guns. According to police, they arrived in four motorcycles and five cars. They went to the sixth floor to get the man they were looking for, named Nicolas Labre de Jesus, a.k.a. Fat Family. Against all that firepower, the police had only two men guarding the suspect.
The worst part is that the police had intelligence about a possible raid. In a statement, the Rio Police informed that the guard was reinforced – four men were on duty on Saturday. On Sunday morning, however, there were half as many. “We don’t have the means to put 30, 40 men at every ‘possible raid,’” explained Colonel Luiz Pires, who is nearly at the top of Rio’s police hierarchy.
Law enforcement agents are now trying to identify the gunmen, which proves to be a difficult task as most were wearing masks. Ironically, the hospital in question is located just 500m away from Rio’s Secretary of Public Safety, and will be the main public hospital operating during the 2016 Olympics.

Het lijkt afentoe wel wild-west in Brazilië
1. Bussen worden in hindernissen gelokt en dan beroofd of
de bus wordt gekaapt en dan beroofd.

2. Restaurants worden overvallen: meerdere bandieten dringen binnen met wapens en grote zakken. schieten in de lucht en dwingengasten hun spullen in de zak te deponeren.

3. Appartementenhotels worden overvallen met 4x4. de eerst rijdt het hek plat, de tweede ramt de voordeur in (bandieten gaan naar binnen en nemen alles van waarde mee) de derde zorgt voor de aftocht.

4. Als politie verklede bandieten houden auto's aan op de weg en dwingen de inzittenden uit te stappen en beroven ze of ze nemen de auto over.

5. Bandieten houden auto's aan op de weg en dwingen de inzittenden naar een bepaalde plek te rijden. Gijzelen de inzittenden, nemen vervolgens alle passen af, nemen geld op en laten ze weer vrij zetten  de auto op afgelegen plek neer...

Nee, niks aan verzonnen! net zo waar als boven geciteerde stuk uit de krant van gisteren...


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