WAGs (or Wags) is een acroniem. In eerste instantie exclusief voor voetbal. En met name door de Britise tabloid pers gebruikt om 'the Wives And Girlfriends' te beschrijven.
Sinds 2006 World Cup,in Duitsland, is deze afkorting meer in zwang.

vandaag in de T.
Een overdosis WAG's (wives and girlfriends) heeft het Engelse nationale voetbalelftal de das omgedaan tijdens het WK 2006 in Duitsland. "Het was een circus. Te veel spelersvrouwen konden veel te dicht bij de spelers komen. Het ging in Baden Baden meer over de kleren die je droeg, dan over hoe het team zou spelen", onthulde reserve-aanvoerder Rio Ferdinand daags voor het WK-kwalificatieduel met Wit-Rusland.
"Er ontstond een hype rond de spelersvrouwen. Door de WAG's werden ook wij celebrities. Er kwam een grote show rond de nationale ploeg. In feite werd het als een toneelstuk. Voetbal verdween absoluut naar de achtergrond."

Ben benieuw hoe het gaat met Qatar. Ze spelen vandaag tegen Australie en sinds kort is Metsu de coach. Dat lijkt me er een de categorie CHAPS. Hoewel, het is een toegewijd moslim........ (zie verder http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruno_Metsu)

ik lees op wiki:
During the 2006 World Cup the press gave increasing coverage to the socialising and shopping activities of the English WAGs, who were based in the German town of Baden Baden. It was frequently suggested that England's exit from the tournament in the quarterfinals was a result of such distractions.

Prominent WAGs of that year included Victoria Beckham, wife of former England captain David Beckham, whom the New Yorker described as "Queen of the wags"[9] and the Sunday Times as "the original Wag";[10] Cheryl Cole, née Tweedy, of the group Girls Aloud, who married Ashley Cole in July 2006 ("Wag weds"[11]); Coleen Rooney, née Mcloughlin, who married Wayne Rooney in June 2008 and who was variously described as a "chavette", dubbed by the tabloid newspaper The Sun a "super WAG"[12] and, by the end of the year, listed by the Times as a "national treasure" [13]; and Carly Zucker, partner of Joe Cole, who was a fitness instructor, described by Susie Whally in the Sunday Times as a "new WAG on the block [who] has set the tone for the season's most wanted muscles".[14] In 2007 the Times referred to Steven Gerrard's fiancée and subsequent wife Alex Curran as an "über- WAG" ("tussling over the remote with his über- WAG fiancée" [15]). Another WAG engendered considerable interest due to her relative youth - she was A-level student Melanie Slade, the girlfriend of Theo Walcott, who, at seventeen, was himself the youngest member of the England squad.

Nancy Dell'Olio, an Italian property lawyer who was the girlfriend of the then England coach Sven-Göran Eriksson, enjoyed quite a high public profile of her own, partly as a result of long-running press interest in aspects of Eriksson's private life.

Other acronyms
Other imitative acronyms to emerge in 2006 included:

"CHAPs": "celebrities' husbands and partners";[60]
"HABs": "husbands and boyfriends" for the partners of female tennis players at Wimbledon;[61]
"MAGs": "mothers and girlfriends", or the singular "MAG" for mother of a WAG (e.g. "Wonder who's paying for Coleen's MAG's shopping?"[62]);
"SADs": "sons and daughters" of footballers, a term used by the Sunday Times with reference to Bianca Gascoigne, daughter of Paul Gascoigne who played for England in the 1990 World Cup, Shaun Wright-Phillips, the adopted son of Ian Wright (Arsenal and England) and Calum Best, son of George Best (Manchester United & Northern Ireland);[63]
"SWAGs": used both for "supporters without a game" (i.e. England fans at a loose end in Germany on days when their team was not playing[64]) and, according to the Guardian, "Summit wives and girlfriends" (the partners of World leaders attending the G8 Summit in St Petersburg, Russia on 15-17 July 2006).[65]


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