nog geen derde deel bevolking brazilie geïnteresseerd in de OS

Meer dan de helft van alle Brazilianen heeft helemaal geen trek in de Olympische Spelen. Dat blijkt uit een peiling die de krant Folha de São Paulo dinsdag publiceerde. Het aantal tegenstanders is twee keer zo groot als bij een peiling in 2013. Toen verzette maar een kwart van de Brazilianen zich tegen het grote sportevenement dat over minder dan drie weken begint in Rio de Janeiro. Onder tussen is men druk bezig met de terreurdreiging en beveiliging. Deze onzekerheid maakt het er niet beter op.

Three years ago, 64% of those asked felt positively about the Olympics. Now, however, that number has dropped to 40%. 9% said that they were not bothered either way, and 2% refused to answer.
Datafolha highlighted that 63% of Brazilians feel the sporting event will cause more problems than benefits for the citizens in general. The last survey revealed that only 38% held this negative view.
Overall, citizens of Rio are less pessimistic about the Games compared with other Brazilians, although the majority is still not convinced. 45% of Rio's citizens believe the Olympics will have a positive impact on the nation. 47% disagree.
According to official data, the total cost of the event is already over R$ 39 billion (US$ 11.9 billion), made up of both public and private investments.
Datafolha's survey of 2013 revealed that 35% of those asked were very interested in the event. Now, this has fallen to just 16%.
By contrast, the percentage of people who say they are not interested in the Games has jumped from 28% to 51%. The percentage of those who consider themselves somewhat interested has fallen from 37% to 33%.


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