Vanochtend een delegatie van de GP op bezoek in de Aspire Dome.
Jammer genoeg geen atleten, dus mijn atleten telerugesteld dat ze geen handtekening van Gatlin konden scoren...............
Wel met wat hotshots gesproken en het ziet er naar uit dat er op afzienbare tijd wel wedstrijden in de Dome komen
Er is zelfs al sprake van het WK indoor.
ondertussen ook een chrono gevonden morgen in 2 1/2 uur programma moet het gebeuren.
aanvang hoofdprogramma 18.30 uur
live op AlJazeera
'ns kijken hoeveel toeschouwers er live bij zijn..........................
mijn grootste opdracht (voor mezelf) een foto maken in het stadion en dit dan te vergelijken met die van vorig jaar.
dus zoek de verschillen zou ik zeggen (in de post van overmorgen)
More than 180 top class male and female athletes will be competing in the meet to be held at Suhaim bin Hamad Stadium."It's a high-level meet with more than 20 record holders competing in it,” he said. So understandably it will be difficult for local athletes to compete and win in many of the events.“But nothing is impossible if we try,” said al-Hamad, who is also the senior vice-president of Asian Athletics Association (AAA).Lauding Qatar’s efforts to raise the level of its athletes, Maurice Nicholas, the general secretary of AAA, said, “Qatar’s standard in the sports has risen recently. This is a good omen also for the rest of Asian countries striving to raise their performance level.”"Of course, we have countries like China, Japan but Qatar is also making contribution to the growth of athletics in the region," he noted.During the conference, Nicholas informed some of the developments made at the last council meeting of Asian athletics body in India. He told reporters the development commission, headed by al-Hamad, in its report to the council had recommended measures to improve the standard of athletes and increase the number of events.He explained that Asia has added more athletic events, including Asian All Star to its annual calendar besides three Grand Prix.There is one apprehension, though. “Top athletes are not taking part in these events as it is expected of them.”But al-Hamad, referring to IAAF president’s recent remarks “the whole world is moving to Asia” urged countries in the region to spruce themselves up.“We’ve got to improve ourselves,” he said. “China discovered some, Japan have many top class athletes. Qatar has shown it can be done.“All we need to improve our standard is a proper management. Then we will see Asia grow in athletics as big as its size," he said.On the occasion, he also said that Asian countries, especially those in the gulf region are working for raise the level of women's participation in the sport."There were restrictions earlier, but there have been active participation of women athletes in the region," he said, citing examples of Qatar, UAE, Bahrain. The third West Asian Games which were held here last December saw the historic participation of women in the region.Shedding lights on QAAF’s ambitious plans, he said that Qatar is bidding to bring in more top class athletics competitions to Qatar, including World Indoor Championships.
Jammer genoeg geen atleten, dus mijn atleten telerugesteld dat ze geen handtekening van Gatlin konden scoren...............
Wel met wat hotshots gesproken en het ziet er naar uit dat er op afzienbare tijd wel wedstrijden in de Dome komen
Er is zelfs al sprake van het WK indoor.
ondertussen ook een chrono gevonden morgen in 2 1/2 uur programma moet het gebeuren.
aanvang hoofdprogramma 18.30 uur
live op AlJazeera
'ns kijken hoeveel toeschouwers er live bij zijn..........................
mijn grootste opdracht (voor mezelf) een foto maken in het stadion en dit dan te vergelijken met die van vorig jaar.
dus zoek de verschillen zou ik zeggen (in de post van overmorgen)
More than 180 top class male and female athletes will be competing in the meet to be held at Suhaim bin Hamad Stadium."It's a high-level meet with more than 20 record holders competing in it,” he said. So understandably it will be difficult for local athletes to compete and win in many of the events.“But nothing is impossible if we try,” said al-Hamad, who is also the senior vice-president of Asian Athletics Association (AAA).Lauding Qatar’s efforts to raise the level of its athletes, Maurice Nicholas, the general secretary of AAA, said, “Qatar’s standard in the sports has risen recently. This is a good omen also for the rest of Asian countries striving to raise their performance level.”"Of course, we have countries like China, Japan but Qatar is also making contribution to the growth of athletics in the region," he noted.During the conference, Nicholas informed some of the developments made at the last council meeting of Asian athletics body in India. He told reporters the development commission, headed by al-Hamad, in its report to the council had recommended measures to improve the standard of athletes and increase the number of events.He explained that Asia has added more athletic events, including Asian All Star to its annual calendar besides three Grand Prix.There is one apprehension, though. “Top athletes are not taking part in these events as it is expected of them.”But al-Hamad, referring to IAAF president’s recent remarks “the whole world is moving to Asia” urged countries in the region to spruce themselves up.“We’ve got to improve ourselves,” he said. “China discovered some, Japan have many top class athletes. Qatar has shown it can be done.“All we need to improve our standard is a proper management. Then we will see Asia grow in athletics as big as its size," he said.On the occasion, he also said that Asian countries, especially those in the gulf region are working for raise the level of women's participation in the sport."There were restrictions earlier, but there have been active participation of women athletes in the region," he said, citing examples of Qatar, UAE, Bahrain. The third West Asian Games which were held here last December saw the historic participation of women in the region.Shedding lights on QAAF’s ambitious plans, he said that Qatar is bidding to bring in more top class athletics competitions to Qatar, including World Indoor Championships.