
 Following the announcement last month of the creation of a Saudi Arabia Snooker Masters which will become the ‘fourth major,’ Brecel said it was good to see the sport expanding into new countries.

“(It’s) very good for us and for snooker. It’s nice to be able to come to these countries and hopefully maybe Qatar and Dubai will follow and in the future maybe go up to the US as well and make snooker really, really big in all the countries in the world,” he said.

With a 10-year deal agreed, the tournament’s first edition will take place in Riyadh from August 31 to September 7. It will be a ranking event open to all tour players, plus six local wild cards.


Dat was eerder al in de kranten te lezen. Biljarten is ook binnen het Olympisch comité een aandachtspunt en ik neem aan dat het valt  onder 'cue sports' ...

Cue sports are a wide variety of games of skill played with a cue, which is used to strike billiard balls and thereby cause them to move around a cloth-covered table bounded by elastic bumpers known as cushions. Cue sports are also collectively referred to as billiards, though this term has more specific connotations in some varieties of English.

verschillende ballen voor diverse biljart spelen

Ronnie O'Sullivan heeft woensdag in de Saoedische hoofdstad Riyad de eerste editie van de World Masters of Snooker gewonnen. De snookerlegende versloeg regerend wereldkampioen Luca Brecel in de finale met 5-2 bij een toernooi waar de gouden bal werd geïntroduceerd. 'The rocket' will be back after summer I guess.


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