
de vakanties in Qatar zijn altijd een heikel onderwerp.
niet zo zeer dat er geen vakanties zijn (veel qatari's lijken het hele jaar vakantie te hebben) maar meer de planning. voor een groot deel vallen de vakanties met het suikerfeest en slachtfeest en dan de grote zomervakantie.
de komende zomer lijkt het echt een hele grote zomervakantie te worden.
de aziaten plannen wel enig dus vorig seizoen hebben die al een verzoek bij het ministerie van onderwijs neergelegd. de qatari's daarentegen laten het maar gebeuren lijkt het dus die krijgen juni vakantie en verlengen dan gewoon tot en met ramadan en wellicht dan ook suikerfeest.
dat er nu een stuk in de krant staat zegt niet zoveel. maar het wordt wel lastig plannen als je niet precies weet waar je vanuit kunt gaan.
gelukkig staat het wk atletiek in berlijn al geruime tijd vast ;)

DOHA: The decision by several Asian schools to delay their summer holidays next year by one month will have a direct impact on the travel industry here, with a change expected in the “peak season” that normally starts from mid-June and extends up to September.

Most Asian schools will have their summer holidays next year in August and September instead of July and August. The schools will close in the third or fourth week of July and re-open on the same date after the Eid Al Fitr holidays that fall in October.

Masoud Ali Mubarak, inspector of private schools, told The Peninsula yesterday that the Ministry of Education had already issued a circular to the schools concerned regarding the change in the holidays. The proposal was originally made by a forum of the heads of Asian schools in Qatar, which later got the ministry’s approval.

The idea was to club the summer and Eid holidays for the convenience of students, parents and teachers, who go on vacation during the holidays. The Asian schools together account for more than 50 percent of the private school students in Qatar.

“Many Asian families who had already booked their tickets for the end of June or the beginning of July are now changing their bookings. Since most vacationers are expected to leave by the end of July and return after the Eid Al Fitr holidays, the summer peak season would be extended up to October,” said a travel industry executive.

Industry sources said they were awaiting a decision from the Civil Aviation Authority about the peak season tariffs as well as the period during which high fares would be applicable.

The change in the holidays can lead to a huge rise in the number of incoming passengers after the Eid Al Fitr holidays.

“People may choose different dates for departure and this may reduce the rush for outgoing flights. However, there can be an unprecedented rush for return flights as most vacationers would be coming back after the Eid holidays,” said a travel agent


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