1 april

Vorige week maandag hoorden we dat we vrij zouden zijn op 1 april.
Op de laatste werkdag kregen we een mailtje dat we gewoon moesten werken.
Zaterdag, vandaag dus, normaal vrij maar een Aspire famliy day. zeg maar open dag.
Hoorden we dat de emir 1 april vrij heeft gegeven voor alle overheidsinstellingen.

staat ook in de krant: knip............

Government holiday for municipal elections

Published: Saturday, 31 March, 2007, 08:25 AM Doha Time

ALL government organisations, including ministries and state departments, will observe a national holiday tomorrow so that its Qatari employees would be able to take part and vote in the Central Municipal Council (CMC) elections, the Ministry of Civil Service Affairs and Housing announced yesterday.
The hospitals of the Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) will also be closed tomorrow because of the elections.
Some 28,153 Qataris, both men and women, are eligible to vote in the elections.
A total of 118 candidates, including three women, are in the fray for the 29-seat council.
The elections supervisory commission held a voting simulation at the fifth constituency in Madinat Khalifa. The simulation was attended by heads of supervisory sub-committees and members of the 29 election constituencies...........knip


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