
Schoonmaken kun je hier de hele dag. In ons huis is het nat afnemen van de vloer een dagelijkse routine en zlefs dan vraag je jezelf soms af of je het nou wel of niet gedaan hebt. Stof is er overal. Even lekker luchten is er meestal niet bij want dan is de stoflaag dubbel zo snel neergedaald. Zelfs nu de nachttemperatuur lekker rond de twintig komt in de vroege ochtend is het raam meestal dicht. Als het waait is de lucht zo stoffig dat ik denk daat het zeer ongezond is.
Schoonmakers zie je dus ook overal. Meestal hoeven je geen markering te plaatsen om te zien waar je gebleven bent, handig! Probleem is wel dat er weinig echt goede schoonmakers zijn. Zo ben ik thuis verooordeeld tot schoonmaken omdat Diana de schoonmaker (lees koffiejongen zonder opleiding en niveau avond blo deelcertificaten mondelinge cursus schrijven) er uit heeft gegooid.

vandaag dit in dit krant

All school canteens and swimming pools will be targeted in a crackdown by the National Health Authority (NHA) to ensure healthy environment in their campuses.

The Environmental Health Section at NHA has started inspections in government, Independent and private schools in the country as part of an “environmental health assessment” campaign.

“The campaign actually started last year, but we could cover only 50 schools during the year. Now we are re-launching it on a bigger scale to cover all the schools as well as kindergartens in the country,” Fatima Kamel Al-Otoum, Environment Health Officer at NHA told The Peninsula yesterday.

“The first step of the campaign is to assess the conditions prevailing in the schools. We have already started visiting various schools for this purpose. The inspections will cover all the school facilities — canteens and restaurants, bathrooms, classrooms, swimming pool and others.

“If we find any problems we will ask the schools to fix them within a specific time period. The inspections are being carried out in a cordial way and our aim is to educate the school officials about the importance of preserving a healthy environment in the campus, for the benefit of students as well as the teachers,” Fatima said.

She said the school canteens will get special attention during the inspections. “We will inspect the kitchens, eating area, storage facilities and even the vehicles used to transport foodstuff to the schools. It is not allowed to transport food in ordinary school buses. There should be special vans suitable to keep hot and cold food items,” she added.

Fatima said, the department will conduct follow up inspections to check whether the schools had fulfilled the NHA requirements.


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