
De afgelopen dagen was ik ziek,zwak en ook misselijk. ("kben een beetje misselijk"). Oorzaak onbekend. Maar vervelend was het wel. zeker als je ook nog visite hebt. Niks aan te doen, dus gewoon doorgaan. Nu op rantsoen om de maag weer wat in gareel te krijgen. Gelukkig is er volgende week vakantie! En daar valt ook het einde van de Ramadan in.
Zo langzamerhand is de uitputting bij de jongens voelbaar. Weinig slapen en onregelmatig eten en vooral de hele dag niet drinken breekt ze nu op.

A SUBSTANTIAL number of people are approaching the Hamad Medical Corporation’s Emergency Department with gastric problems precipitated by improper ways of breaking the fast, a consultant physician said yesterday.
“As it usually happens every Ramadan, people are coming with complaints including stomach pain, indigestion, hyperacidity and vomiting,” consultant physician Dr Muayad Kasim Khalid said in an interview.
Though the number of people with such problems is more during the initial days of Ramadan, a reduced but steady stream is seen throughout the month, he explained.
About 300 people report to the Emergency Department daily between Iftar and midnight, of which at least 20% have an upset stomach, he said.
“The most common cause is the habit of consuming lots of fluids or having a heavy meal at Iftar,” said Dr Khalid while urging those who fast to take care while breaking the fast by having a small quantity of soup or gruel.
The intake of a large quantity of water or juices at Iftar, an involuntary action in most cases due to an acute feeling of thirst, would lead to a bloated feeling and cause nausea or result in vomiting.


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