kip kap kogel oftewel sint maarten in Q

kip kap kogel
suntermeerten vogel
staot op een stokje
mit rood rokje
hier woont rieke man
dei mie wel wat gev'n kan
geef mie 'n appel of een peer
komk hier 'thaile joar nait weer

op de 14e dag van de ramadan dus hier.

DOHA: As Qatar is all set to celebrate Garangao, the festival of children, today, shopping outlets are vying to woo customers with Garangao kits, containing sweets and nuts as well as special cotton bags in new and attractive designs.

Garangao, celebrated on the 14th day of Ramadan, is special to the Gulf region and is believed to have its roots in the pearl-diving tradition of the region. Over the years, the festival has gained more popularity with several expatriates joining the celebrations.

This evening, children, clad in their traditional clothes, will come out of their homes and knock on every door in their neighbourhood, which will be ready to receive them with sweets and nuts. They collect the goodies in the special cotton bags, hanging loosely from their necks. Kids will be seen wandering around the streets until late into the night singing the special Garangao song


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